Hello all :)
No news here long time, but it is not mean - project was stopped.
Work on DilOS is in progress.
More news:
- started transition from old userland HG repo to new GIT repo with new DEB packages build structure
- is in progress work on SPARC - dilos-illumos and userland packages are updating and testing on both SPARC and Intel platforms
- you can find new ISO images with '-net-' info in name - it's network install image - you can install DilOS over internet or local APT mirror. you can find instruction based on SPARC: https://dilos-dev.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DS/How+to+install+over+internet . root Password is '123'
- illumos kernel and modules building now only 64bit
- LX zone ported from Joyent tree and working with manual updates (if you are interest how to configure it - ping me by email/IRC)
- more updates from illumos
- more others updates
It is not easy to work on project by free time - but i'll continue to work on it :)
Have to do more work for release 1.3.8 - work still in progress.
if you want to help - you are welcome by contribution and/or donate.